Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day at Sea

I stayed up as long as I could last night and finally decided to go to sleep about 10pm. Brandon, Justin, & Cameron were sleeping soundly in the kids room and occupying all the beds. Michele & Megan were sleeping in the master bedroom and were taking up all the space there. Where was I going to sleep? I was homeless!  I checked the sofa and, sure enough, it pulled out into a bed. Pretty comfy, too! I laid down and fell fast asleep until… About 2am, the boys decided it was time to get up. I heard them talking, laughing, joking, fighting, etc. I stormed in there and informed them that it was WAY too early to be awake and they better stay in their room and be quiet –sleeping or not. Much to my surprise, they did. I feel back asleep and slept until 9am. The boys were all fast asleep when I woke up, too.

We had brunch reservations at Palo’s (grown-up’s only restaurtan) at 10:30am, so I knew I would have to get things moving quickly to make it on time. Michele and Megan were still sleeping, so I tried to get them up first. Then, I woke up the boys and took a shower. I was feeling much better after getting cleaned up. We got the boys dressed and I took them to breakfast where we bumped into Lily, Sofia, and Mary Theresa. After breakfast, I dropped them off at the kids club, while Michele dropped Megan off at the nursery.

We met up with her parents at Palo’s and had a very relaxing, leisurely, and delicious brunch. After brunch, we stopped by to see how the kids were doing and they all wanted to come out with us. I took the boys upstairs for lunch, while Michele got ready for her spa appointment at 1pm.

After lunch, we headed back to the room and the boys met up with the other kids: Bailey, Isabella, Lily, & Sofia. They chose to spend the afternoon racing up & down the stairs, playing tag, and riding the elevator. With Brandon & Bailey keeping an eye on the little ones, I felt comfortable enough and took a short nap in the afternoon.

Later on, Kent invited me to a beer tasting with he & Lauche where we sample many fine brews. Kent & I were endlessly entertained by our hosts heavy Indian accent, “The ni-TRO-jen rather than the c-OH-2 provides the creamy head…” We finished up the tasting and by then, It was almost time to head to dinner.

I came back to the room, hit the shower, put on my fancy duds, helped the boys get dressed, and then we headed downstairs for dinner, which was great. I talked with Kent & Pi and I think tomorrow we are going to try a kids & adults table so that we can all get together and chat.

All in all, it was a very relaxing day and I think everyone is feeling much better than this time last night. Tomorrow, we will be in our first port of call, Malta. We have a tour scheduled at 9:30am, so we will need to get up pretty early to get ready. Wish us luck!

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